Pure Clean Natural Enzymes


SKU: hmh01674 Category:


Pure Clean Powerful natural enzymes

  • Pure Clean is a soil and rhizosphere improver based on natural enzymes.

    This product allows for the accelerated decomposition of dead plant materials, which then releases extra nutrients and stimulates substrate life. Pure Clean also increases aerobic capacity and protects plants against diseases. This means that negative disease causing pathogens are proactively eliminated through the use of these special enzymes. Pure Clean is suspended in a specific sucrose based solution.

    This sugar is essential to the health and quality of the enzymes. Uniquely, this carbohydrate based solution will NOT increase negative microbial activity. Instead, the enzymes are able to go to work immediately in the contaminated system and help “purify and clean” the rhizosphere

    Why use Pure Clean

  • Healthy rhizosphere throughout vegetative and blooming phases.
  • Protects against the buildup of harmful salts and waste compounds.
  • Increases aerobic capacity in the root system.
  • Reduces the risk of infection from soil borne diseases.
  • (3) Specific enzyme profiles: cellulase, beta-glucanase, and pectinase.

    How to use Pure Clean

    Shake well before use. Add up to 4 ML per GAL of water or nutrient solution. Do NOT use with Green Sensation as an overabundance of enzymes is more costly. Tip: Pure Clean may be used to rejuvenate depleted or diseased growing substrates. Remove as much plant matter i.e. roots, leaves, stems, etc. from the substrate as possible. Saturate the used growing media at a rate of up to 16 ML per GAL of clean water. Allow the growing media to dry to a state desirable for use.

  • Additional information

    Dimensions 12 × 12 × 12 in